Monday 25 July 2011


I was having trouble with my hands yesterday, so I went out to get some reference photo`s rather than paint. We went to Leizes park in Newcastle where I got some lovely pictures of the park and the gorgeous swans cleaning themselves on the lake. I`m looking forward to painting those one day.
They also had a fun day on and a dog show, so I got some pics of horses, ....and dogs...of course.

After the park, we took the scenic route home, through China town, and then, we stopped off at the riverside to get some pictures of the famous bridges over the river Tyne..... more photo`s to add to my ever growing "I must paint" box.

In the evening I was still feeling unwell, so I got out a big, chunky pencil, which was easier to grip for me, and I sketched the following pictures. They are only quickie pics, but at least I`m still doing "something arty".
The photo`s aren`t very good..... that is why it is always best to take your photo`s in natural daylight, and not under artificial lighting at nighttime.

.......and just to whet your appetite, here`s one of the Tyne...

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