Saturday 29 October 2011

Latest paintings.

It seems like an eternity since I last posted here. My life has been pretty busy lately.

I went to a workshop with a fabulous artist by the name of Joe Hush last week.
I really enjoyed it......... although I`m not keen on my version of his picture.

 My trouble was, I kept fiddling while I waited for Joe to do the rounds. I would like to paint this again someday, but without the fiddling. I found that I had too much time on my hands and so I over worked it all. Never mind......there`s always tomorrow, to try again.
I do like my farmer and sheep

This is as far as I got during the work shop, the rest I finished off at home......

Another painting that I have done recently is Ruth`s reference of some juicy red grapes.

I have painted this picture several years ago, from a reference photo by my friend Ruth Harris.
I prefer my earlier attempts, but here is the newest painting anyway.

OOOOOHHHH, and I nearly forgot to mention...

I entered 3 paintings into the Federation of Northern Art Society`s autumn exhibition, and all three paintings were juried in, that was a nice surprise.

The exhibition is on until January 29th at the Woodhorn Museum, if you are interested in popping in for a look-see.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

North shields fish quay at nighttime

I`ve painted this scene before, but in the day time. I love painting night scenes, and so I couldn`t resist having a go at this.

For once in my life, I`m quite pleased with how this painting turned out...... and judging from all the lovely comments it got from art group this afternoon, there are a few people who also liked it.

It looks like a very detailed painting, but the "details" are just blobs of colour, and lines here and there, There are very few details in the painting really, if you look closely.

It`s painted in watercolours, with a few touches of white acrylic for some of the high-lights.
Hope you like it, thanks for looking.

Monday 10 October 2011

Sunny sunflower.

It`s been a miserable week weather-wise, so I thought I`d get in a last few "Rays of sunshine" before the winter arrives.

I started this off at Tuesday night`s art group, but only finished it on Thursday night, because I wasn`t feeling very well. After a busy weekend, this is the first chance I`ve had to get a photograph of the painting.

I enjoyed doing this, because of the bright colours.

 I  worked quite rapidly, and wet into wet for almost the whole painting. Appart from letting the flower dry completely, before painting in the background